CLICK HERE to visit the official Recycle Races page, with car photos, standings, rankings, and tournament brackets.
Recycle Races 2009
Power of U
Power of U is the incentive system we use in all of my classes. It comes from the idea that every student has the exponential power to make our class a success. This system focuses on respect, responsibility, and effort.

Studends receive 'power cards' for making good choices and doing what they need to do with a good attitude. We hold weekly drawings, in which power cards are drawn and students win prizes, such as gift cards to buy items from the student store, The Spot. Read More!
Studends receive 'power cards' for making good choices and doing what they need to do with a good attitude. We hold weekly drawings, in which power cards are drawn and students win prizes, such as gift cards to buy items from the student store, The Spot. Read More!