Roller Coasters

We are currently wrapping up our Roller Coaster 09-10 project. All 5 coasters were built over Novemember-December 2009, as students learned and applid the concepts of slope and intercept. January 2010, we began our simulation project, in which the students set the price for their coasters and a computer simulation determines how many visitors each ride has in a given day.

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Catching Up

I was just relieved to see that this site is no longer blocked by our school district servers (becuase it is published using a blog site). It has not been accessible at school for about a month now, so I am behind on my regular postings.

We really are doing a lot of cool things in class, that I need to take some time to share about and post. Look for some updates within the next week.

My zero key is kind of broken right now, which makes entering grades quite difficult. I either get a lot of 00000s when I press it or none at all... zero zeros I suppose you could say. Oh well, I guess no one can get a 0 on an assignment now, yet they can't get 10's either... Read More!